[3io] Because of the way the place was arranged. I fell in love with her from that moment. But, of course, she didn't know anything about it." " All right. You can tell me the story of your love-aflair later on. Oh, there's one point. You kept a certain amount of money yourself. Was it much ? " " No." ce For a man in your position, you don't seem to be too much of a spendthrift. It's one of the few merits you have. How much have you got left ? " " Less than a thousand francs." " There's a good deal more in that safe you're talking about ? " " Yes." " Twenty times more ? " " Oh, no I " " Ten times more ? " " Thereabouts." ff Let's say fifteen thousand at least. I must know just how much it is. As for the trinkets and the other things of any value, of course, don't attempt to sell or get anybody to sell a single one for you. Or you will be signing your death-warrant. Do you understand ? " " What am I to do with them ? " " We'll see about that. You have rather too much money on you. That's a bad thing from every point of view. You ought not to keep more than a couple of hundred francs, say, and let me keep the rest for you. I'll give it back to you just as you need it-----Well ? ... You don't fhinlc I want to swindle you out of it, do you ? " *e No," said Leheudry, tamely enough. c* Besides, it's only fair that you should make something out of all the trouble you are taking." ** There's no question of that! " ** The only thing is that two hundred francs won't see me very far," *e You will be so much the less tempted to indulge in expenditure out of the ordinary. Exactly what we want to